Sixty percent or more of Kentucky Baptist churches utilize bivocational pastors.

KBC churches are having great difficulty finding candidates to fill their bivocational pastorate positions. The Calling Out the Called initiative is an ongoing focus with the primary goal of raising up local men to fill those bivocational pastorates. In addition to the primary goal, this emphasis will encourage men and women in other ministry-related callings as well.

5 Priorities of Calling Out the Called

Pray for the called
Pray for the called

A 7-day prayer resource that focuses on men and women being called to ministry can be downloaded below. Jesus himself identified prayer as the answer in Matthew 9:37-38.

Invite the called
Invite the called

Pastors and ministry leaders are encouraged to appeal to listeners in their sermons and conversations to respond to God’s call on their lives.

Mentor the called
Mentor the called

Preaching resources are available to pastors for teaching men in their church who are called to ministry.

Teach the called
Teach the called

The KBC will provide training and curriculum specific to their callings.

Send the called
Send the called

The KBC will partner with churches, associations, and other organizations to connect the called with the ministries to which God has called them.

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Calling Out the Called Sunday

Churches may benefit by scheduling a Calling Out the Called Sunday. For downloadable planning resources, including posters, bulletin inserts, sermon outlines and order of service samples see below.

Is God calling you to ministry? For information regarding the Calling Out the Called scholarship, click here.

Calling Out the Called Sunday Resources

Bulletin Insert (Color)
Bulletin Insert (B&W)
Sermon Outline: Samuel
Sermon Outline: Matthew
Order of Service Samples
Prayer Devotional