LOUISVILLE–Messengers at the 180th annual meeting of the Kentucky Baptist Convention adopted four resolutions by a show of hands on Nov. 14 at Highview Baptist Church in Louisville.
Kentucky Baptists spoke out against gambling, stating in a resolution “On the Sin of Gambling,” “Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the messengers to the Kentucky Baptist Convention meeting in Louisville … condemn gambling in all its forms.”
The resolution urged the state’s leaders to “end state-sponsored gambling, to curtail all forms of destructive gambling, and to address its harmful effects through policy and legislation.”
Calling for Convention leaders, entities, and pastors to educate Southern Baptists on the “deceptive sin of gambling,” the resolution urged “our fellow Kentucky Baptists and all other followers of Christ not to participate in the sin of gambling.”
In the wake of “cataclysmic storms, mass shootings, daily violence in cities across the land, heartache caused by an epidemic of substance abuse, and other factors that have brought pain and suffering for people of all ages, including helpless children,” messengers approved a resolution “On the Intercessory Prayer.”
Messengers “humbly acknowledge God’s absolute control over the world He created and call on all Christians to recommit themselves to intercessory prayer on behalf of a people who desperately need His intervention,” the resolution stated.
Referencing Genesis 1:26 and Romans 13:1-5 and affirming the “value and dignity of all humanity,” messengers formally endorsed Marsy’s Law for Kentucky and announced support of Kentucky crime victims in their resolution “On the Protection of Victims of Crime and the Passage of Marsy’s Law.”
Lastly, KBC messengers expressed sincere appreciation to Highview Baptist Church and the city of Louisville for “their kindness and consideration” in an additional resolution “On Commending the Host Church and City.” (WR)