PIKEVILLE—Meta Church will host its first sporting banquet Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. The event will include guest speakers, testimonies and a wild game meal. Please RSVP to (606) 631-1194 or email metachurch@bellsouth.net. Bill Staggs is pastor.
SHELBYVILLE—Clayvillage Church will hold a church-wide Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Banquet Feb. 14, following the morning worship. The church will furnish the meat; the remaining food will be potluck. Lee Bolton is pastor.
Dover Baptist will hold its Love One Another Valentine Banquet on Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. Make advance reservations at (502) 633-0502. Ben Early is pastor.
Highland Church will hold a spaghetti dinner on Feb. 14 at 6 p.m. Chris Platt is pastor.
Pigeon Fork Church has called Vernon Carpenter as pastor.
Salem Church will hold a Focus on WMU Day on Feb. 14, with a salad lunch at noon. James Hill is pastor.
Simpsonville Church will hold Colonial Hall Valentine luncheon on Feb. 13 at noon. Steve Boyd is pastor.