Charles Frazier
LOUISVILLE—Charles Frazier, pastor of Zion’s Cause Baptist Church in Benton, will be nominated for president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention when the annual meeting convenes Nov. 14 at Louisville’s Highview Baptist Church. He currently is the only announced candidate.
Frazier has led four Kentucky Baptist churches, including Zion Cause, where he has served for 12 years. He has served as chairman of the KBC’s budget and finance committee and as vice-chairman of its administrative committee.
- The article announcing your candidacy mentions your passion for churches in the convention to focus on evangelism. Where does that passion in you spring from? Why is this so necessary for Kentucky Baptist churches?
I have been fortunate, since childhood, to be raised in evangelistic churches. These churches instilled within me the passion to reach those without a relationship with Christ. Unfortunately, our denomination continues to see a decline in baptisms. Therefore, it is imperative to have an evangelistic strategy to reverse this declining trend.
- In recommending you, Tom James said that you “believe in a big tent convention that seeks to involve and encourage all KBC churches, big and small, old and new, rural and urban.” How do you plan to foster that spirit?
The key to fostering the spirit for all of our Kentucky Baptist Churches is cooperation. With the collaboration of our churches, we can accomplish more together than on our own. When we show the good work of cooperation, it will create a desire to cause churches to be a part of that work. Cooperation creates an atmosphere of togetherness. Togetherness strikes a positive chord in developing unity. Ephesians 4:11-13 teaches us that unity develops believers to attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
- What influence on the Kentucky Baptist Convention do you pray to have during your tenure as president? What will be your primary goals and hopes for the coming year?
In regards to influence, my desire is to build upon the legacy of our past Kentucky presidents. We have been blessed with strong leadership and this has strengthened our convention. My primary goal for the coming year is to strengthen our network of communications between churches and the state convention. It is my desire to continue to champion church revitalization, missions and evangelism, along with church planting. It is also important that churches know that I can be their liaison for our great convention.
- In what ways do you envision encouraging Kentucky Baptists in fulfilling the Great Commission and strengthening support of the Cooperative Program?
My encouragement will be based upon (the belief) that every Kentucky Baptist can make a difference for the cause of Christ, regardless of where one lives within the commonwealth. In regards to the Cooperative program, we must continue to emphasize the impact and importance that the Cooperative Program does for the Kingdom of God. As we pool our resources together through the Cooperative Program, Kentuckians will continue to advance the Great Commission.
- As KBC president, how would you champion the Mission Board’s three primary emphases of church revitalization, missions and evangelism, and church planting?
I want every Kentucky Baptist to realize that every congregation can make an impact locally and globally. As president, it is my desire to work closely with Dr. Chitwood, pastors, church leaders and denomination leaders to promote the Mission Board’s agenda. I am thankful that the Kentucky Baptist Convention provides resources and support for our churches to accomplish the Mission Board’s emphases.
- In what ways do you see the role of the KBC president in coming alongside Oneida Baptist Institute, Clear Creek Baptist Bible College, University of the Cumberlands, Kentucky Baptist Foundation, Kentucky Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union and the Western Recorder?
The agencies and institutions of the Kentucky Baptist Convention play a vital role in the cooperative mission of the convention. Kentucky Baptists are eager to support these agencies and institutions within the Kentucky Baptist Convention. As president, it is my wish to encourage the continued generosity of Cooperative Program giving. This type of mentality will continue to give the much-needed support to these entities.
- If elected, how do you foresee speaking to the next generation of Kentucky Baptist leaders and calling them to be involved in expanding the state convention’s Great Commission efforts? What do you consider the greatest strength of the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s work?
In speaking to the next generation, every generation must continue to heed the words of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He commands us to go and reach the world for Him (Matthew 28:19-20). This is an exciting time for the next generation to be engaged in fulfilling the Great Commission. My door is always open to hear the next generation’s ideas, and concerns. Every new generation brings great ideas and initiatives to the table. I look forward to learning from the next generation of leaders.
- What do you see as the key challenges or moral concerns of our day, and how can the KBC president represent Kentucky Baptists in promoting evangelical Christian values around the commonwealth?
The key challenge of the day for Kentucky Baptists is to stand firm for biblical truth. We are living in a culture in which standards of morality are constantly shifting. Kentucky Baptists must not be silent. We have a great opportunity for ministry in dealing with the challenges and moral concerns of our day. We must share the biblical perspective of truth and find ways to be proactive rather than reactive in addressing these concerns.