“As they traveled through the towns….the churches were strengthened in the faith and increased in number daily.” Acts 16:4 & 5 (HCSB)

Luke’s description of the Apostle Paul’s team sounds a lot like a description of the Kentucky Baptist Convention Church Consulting & Revitalization team. Since our KBC mission statement reminds us that we were created by churches, for churches, to help churches reach Kentucky and the world for Christ, we are church-centric in our approach. We travel to your community and meet in person so we can focus on your needs and the needs of your church. We are committed to partnering with you to help your church reach her full potential based on God’s promise in Matthew 16 to “build His church.”

5 Questions to Ask if Your Church is Stuck

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Our team consists of two types of consultants to serve you best, Regional Consultants and Ministry Consultants.

Regional Consultants are strategically located across our state. These men are prepared to assist churches in ALL ministry areas including church revitalization, leadership, deacon ministry, conflict mediation, and Search Team training. When needed, they work closely with CCR Ministry Consultants who are ministry area specialists.

Want to get in contact? Visit our Regional Consultants page.

Ministry Consultants are specialists in ministry areas related to the church. They can assist churches in the areas of children, students, worship, music, women, finance, Sunday School, small groups, discipleship, senior adults, and ministry assistants.

Find each consultant directly from their ministry page.

Watch consulting & revitalization webinars

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Each year during August and September the KBC provides an EQUIP Tour. The goal of the tour is to provide helpful, practical training that will equip local church staff and volunteers to serve their KBC churches with confidence and with excellence.

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In partnership with Baptist Health, the KBC Shepherding Conference provides a time for ministry couples to come together to relax and recharge. The conference is held at the beautiful Griffin Gate Marriott Resort & Spa in Lexington, Kentucky during early February.

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